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BookSwap is an iOS app that allows you to give away your books and get new ones from others - for free.


Sometimes, you want to own a book instead of just borrowing it from a library. But it is unfeasible to buy new books every time you want them.

BookSwap allows you to give away books you’ve re-read too many times and to get new ones for your shelf instead.

How It Works

To be able to receive books you also need to give books away. Giving away one book allows you to receive another book. All trading is done between members of the BookSwap community.

BookSwap merely serves as the platform that helps you find others.

Privacy Policy

BookSwap values your privacy. Only data that is absolutely necessary is collected.

If you create an account, your data is stored in Firebase, a service operated by Google. This data includes a user identifier and your Email ID.

If you list a book, your Email ID will be shown to other users so they can reserve it. Users may contact you at this Email ID.

I do not sell your data and never will.

BookSwap is operated as a not-for-profit service by Karandeep Singh.